Thursday, December 20, 2012

You know you're in Murcia when..

My friend Marina made up a big batch of Ensaladilla Rusa and gave me half to take home and share with my roommates.  Made with potatoes, pickled vegetables, tuna, hard-boiled eggs and mayo, Ensaladilla Rusa forms the base for one of Murcia's most beloved tapas-the Marinera.  The salad is piled high on a crunchy breadstick that's looped around and pressed together at the ends in the shape of a teardrop.  When made right, the salad holds its shape well enough not to fall through the middle, and it's finished off with a single anchovy laid across the top.  Marina can't stand anchovies and is always the lone person at a bar to order hers without. 

For some reason, she told me, that's not called a Marinera sin anchoa...but rather, a "bicicleta".   

After 15 minutes and 3 spoons, the container looked like this

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